Conditioned souls

Conditioned souls of this world are passing through numerous births and deaths being enveloped by the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord. The fruits of the actions of conditioned souls, which have started, will have their end.

Question – My husband is seriously ill. I am very worried. What should I do?

Śrīla Gurudev – The living beings in this world have their actual and real relation with the Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna. Relationships in this world are apparent. Conditioned souls of this world are passing through numerous births and deaths being enveloped by the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord. The fruits of the actions of conditioned souls, which have started, will have their end. Then nobody can remain in this world. Śrī Krishna says in the Gītā, “The wise do not mourn for the going and coming of the conditioned souls”. The only way of doing eternal benefit to other conditioned souls is to worship Śrī Krishna with pure devotion. If God is satisfied, all will be satisfied.

You are doing your duty to your husband sincerely. What further can you do? I think you are duly remembering Narasiṁha mantra. Bhagavān Narasiṁha Deva can remove all obstacles – obstacles of the world, as well as obstacles of devotion.